Vaccinations for Cats and Dogs

Vaccinations for pets provide immunity against some potentially life-threatening diseases. There are a few diseases we can protect our pets from by vaccinating them.

Most of these diseases are highly contagious and carry a high mortality rate despite prompt treatment.

Dogs :
– Canine Parvovirus
– Canine Distemper
– Canine Infectious Hepatitis (adenovirus)
– Parainfluenza virus
– Leptospirosis
– Kennel Cough

– Feline Panleukopenia
– Feline Herpesvirus
– Feline Influenza
– Feline Chlamydia

Vaccination Protocol
We can start vaccinations for kittens and puppies from 6-8 weeks old. Most kittens and puppies will require a total of 3 vaccines at 4-week intervals. The last vaccination should be done when the kitten or puppy is 16 weeks or above. Thereafter, a yearly booster vaccination is recommended.

For an adult cat or dog that has NO vaccination history or has missed vaccination doses, it is recommended that they have a total of 2 vaccinations one month apart. Thereafter, a yearly booster vaccination is recommended as well.

Many different intestinal parasites such as roundworms, tapeworms, whipworms and hookworms can affect our companion animals. Thus, they should be dewormed regularly to prevent any disease.

Puppies and kittens can be dewormed from 2 weeks onwards. It is recommended for them to be dewormed at 2,4,6 and 8 weeks old, then monthly till they are 6 months old.

This is followed by regular deworming at 3-4 months intervals throughout adulthood.

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